Sunday, February 4, 2024

February 5th-9th


Upcoming Dates

February 9th - Town Center PTO Valentine's Dance See flier below
February 14th - Class Valentine's Party @ 2:00
February 16th - No School
February 19th - Bad Weather Make Up Day (No school unless it is used for a school cancellation due to weather)
February 23rd - Heart Hustle - during Specials @ 10:10 See flier below
February 29th - Spring Pictures
Class and Individual

Terrific Texans

Congratulations to this week's winners!

Aditi, Saksham, and Evah

Town Center PTO Valentine's Dance

Valentine's Party

Our class Valentine's Day party will be on Wednesday, February 14th at 2:00 p.m. Please have your child address a Valentine's card to each child in their homeroom. The names of students in the class were sent home on Friday, February 2nd. Please reach out to your homeroom teacher if you need a new list. You may attach a small treat to the card, if you would like. Please have them bring cards with them to school on or before Wednesday, February 14th. 

We will be decorating Valentine's bags (to collect our Valentines in) at school so there is no need to send in a box or bag!

Parents are welcome to join us on the day of the party. The party in each classroom will be run by the room parents. If you plan on attending, you will need to check in at the front office using your ID. All grade-level parties will be happening at 2:00 so please plan accordingly for parking/check-in. 

Tennis Shoes for PE & Extended Specials Day (CTT)

Please help make sure that your child wears appropriate shoes on PE days and Move & Groove (Fridays). Additionally, every other Thursday 3rd grade has extended specials during CTT. The dates are outlined for the remainder of the year below. Thank you for your help in making sure your child is safely dressed for the gym! 

Smart Watches
We have noticed that more and more of our students have begun wearing smartwatches to school, so we want to take a minute to be clear about expectations for those devices. 
Students are not permitted to communicate on their personal devices during the school day. (The same rule applies to their iPads.) This includes parents. Additionally, smartwatches are only to be used to tell time during the day. Please help us in reinforcing this expectation.  If you need to contact your son/daughter during the day, please email your child's teacher or call the front office. 
We have talked about these expectations with the students. We've let them know that if they are using their smart watch, cell phone, or other personal devices to communicate (or use any additional feature beyond telling time), they will receive one warning. After that one warning, we will ask for those devices to stay at home.

Yearbooks for Sale

Our yearbook sale is now open! Each year we have a Town Center Yearbook that highlights photos from every class, school events, and staff. It is a great item to have to look back on memories from the year, and we even have a yearbook signing party in May. If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook, please see the graphic below for thee different purchasing options. As a reminder, the TCE Yearbook cost WAS NOT included in the TCE Trail Pass. If you would like a yearbook for your child(ren), you will need to purchase using the website link below.

Our yearbook committee would also love your help in submitting photos for the yearbook. As you attend campus events, if you have any photos you would like to share, see below for information on uploading them to our committee.


Below are a few links regarding lunches:

Breakfast & Lunch Menu

Free & Reduced Lunch Application

Check Your Lunch Application Status

Create Your Child's Online Lunch Account

Lunch Menus can be found here

TCE Principal Newsletter

Each week Ms. Martin sends out her Town Center Principal Newsletter. Please make sure to check out all the important campus-wide announcements in the Principal Newsletter. 

February 5th



As we go deeper into our read aloud, Because of Winn Dixie, our readers will study how literature contains themes that can explore big topics about life or people.  

We will also continue working on crafting responses to what we read using the RACE strategy.  We will analyze different types of responses, identifying responses with quality grammar, ideas and structure.

Social Studies - Ch-ch-ch changes! Our Geographers will be exploring how the Earth changes over time and how those changes impact people and communities.

Math - Composite area. Buckle up, folks. I’m not gonna lie, this is one of the most challenging things we do in math all year. Scared? Nervous? Don’t be! We’ve got 5 steps that will get you (I mean your child) the right answer every time. 

*A composite figure is 2 or more shapes put together. For 3rd graders, it’s a rectangle and another rectangle or a rectangle and a square:

Step 1: Partition (split) into 2 shapes - black line

Step 2: Label the shapes A and B.

Step 3: Find the area of A: 9 x 2 = 18 sq ft

Step 4: Find the area of B: 4 x 4 = 16 sq ft

Step 5: Add the areas: 18 + 16 = 34 sq ft - this is the answer.

**The most common mistake is not choosing the correct numbers to multiply, for instance, for A, multiplying 2 x 5 instead of 9 x 2.

***It’s okay to partition vertically instead of horizontally; you’ll still get the correct answer.

Science - We have wrapped up our unit on Earth's Surface and blasted off to Patterns in the Sky. We will be exploring the Sun, Earth and Moon and how they work together and around one another.

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