Friday, November 2, 2018

November 5th - 9th

Thank you for taking the time to read our third grade blog. Make sure you are checking it weekly for calendar updates and what we are learning!

Important Dates

November 9th - Veteran's Day Program @ 9am
November 9th - Fall Texan Town #5
November 16th - Turkey Trot/ Fall Texan Town #6
November 19th-November 23 - NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break
December 4th - PTO Meeting @ 6pm


Student of the Week 
3rd Grade Families,

Starting this week we will be choosing a student of the week from each third grade class. We hope that this will promote positive and respectful behavior towards peers and teachers. Some behaviors that we will be looking for include:

  • Following directions the 1st time
  • Showing kindness 
  • Showing respect
  • Respecting the "no"

We are hoping to highlight the students who are showing these behaviors all the time and encourage those who might need more of an incentive. We are not making it a priority that "everyone will get a turn"; instead, only those who are consistently showing the behaviors will get rewarded. Additionally, it might be that the same student earns Student of the Week more than once. The Student of the Week will be nominated on Fridays by third grade teachers (one per class) and will be featured on our 3rd grade blog, on Twitter, will wear a name tag, and pick wherever they would like to sit at lunch on that day.

Third Grade Students of the Week
November 2nd, 2018
We are SO proud of these learners for being model citizens every day this week. They are so respectful, kind, and follow directions the first time they are asked. We love you!
3A: Tate Gipson, 3B: William Stewart, 3C: Madison Makil, 3D: Lianne Thomas, and 3E: Logan Shaper

What are we learning?

In math, we will press on with our multiplication and division unit. We will continue with our "fact fluency" timed practice. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday will be retake days for past quizzes. New quizzes will be taken on Wednesdays and Fridays. This will not be a grade of any sort, just a way to practice and reinforce memorizing multiplication facts. We have pushed back our introduction of 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication to ensure everyone has a solid understanding of multiplication concepts. To practice this, we will be reinforcing our multiplication representations including equal groups, arrays, number lines, and repeated addition. There are strategy videos to explain these representations on Miss Heath and Mrs. Naughton's websites. Additionally, we will get some more practice with multi-step multiplication word problems. 

Language Arts
In Reading we will finish up our unit on poetry. Learners will create a poetry journal, reflect on the different types of poems, and how they use their senses to analyze poems. We will finish up our book clubs on Biographies and use the app "Clips" to make trailers about the books.  

In writing we will begin our gratitude journals for the month of November. 

In science, we will conclude our unit on Force, Motion, and Energy by completing our career connection trade card. 

Social Studies
In Social Studies, Learners will be being to research different historical and contemporary figures and the positive impact they had on communities.

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