Sunday, August 18, 2024

August 19th-23rd

Upcoming Dates

August 26th - PTO Meeting

6:00 in the TCE Library

August 28th - Fall Picture Day

Order online at with picture ID: EVT8D6ND3

September 2nd - No School

September 5th- Curriculum Night

Kinder-2nd 5:00-5:45; 3rd-5th 5:45-6:30

September 12th - TCE Sonic Spirit Night

5:00-8:00 p.m.

September 16th-20th - Town Center Book Fair

September 20th - Special Friends' Day

More details to come!

September 27th - Fall Frolic Run

This will be during each grade level's specials time (3rd grade - 10:10 a.m.). Parents are invited to attend.

Terrific Texans

Throughout the week our learners at TCE work hard at going above and beyond! When any teacher catches them standing out in a positive way they are awarded a Terrific Texan. At the end of the week, there is a school-wide drawing and 3 winners are chosen from each grade level.
Terrific Texans coming soon!

Sonic Spirit Night

Background Checks

We ask that all families complete a volunteer background check at the start of the year. They do not carry over from year to year. Since the background checks take time to process, we ask that everyone complete one in case any type of volunteering opportunity (class field trip, Dad's Club, Room parent, class volunteer, field day, etc.) arises during the year that you are interested in. Please click on the link below to complete it.

Background Checks - Linked Here

Tennis Shoes for PE & Extended Specials Day (CTT)

Please help ensure your child wears appropriate shoes on PE days and Move & Groove (Fridays). Additionally, every other Thursday 3rd grade has extended specials during CTT. The dates are outlined for the remainder of the year below. Thank you for your help in making sure your child is safely dressed for the gym! 

3rd Grade CTT Dates for 2024: 8/29, 9/12, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/12

TCE Principal Newsletter

Each week Ms. Martin sends out her Town Center Principal Newsletter. Please make sure to check out all the important campus-wide announcements in the Principal Newsletter. 

August 16th Newsletter!

ELA - During Reading and Writing this week, we will be setting up our Workshop time. We will be sharing about our reading habits and talking about how to set ourselves up for a successful reading life. In writing we will lay the foundation. In order to write you have to know what is in your heart. We will be working on generating ideas as a writer developing a healthy relationship with the skill.

Social Studies - This week is all about community. As we learn more about each other, we will share what we have in common and what makes us unique.

Math - This week in math will be about setting up our math workshop, or as it is affectionately known here at TCE 3rd grade, Math TIME. We will learn expectations and procedures for small group and whole group learning, review the difference between having a growth mindset and a fixed mindset, and we will create positive math affirmations for ourselves. We will dip our toe into learning about place value by reviewing our 2nd grade knowledge of the ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands places, and how to represent numbers using standard and expanded forms. We begin at the beginning, friends, and I am here for it!

Science - Our week in science will kick off with the scientific method! We will set up our science journals and investigate tools that are important for scientists to use.

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