Friday, May 10, 2024

May 13th-17th

Upcoming Dates

May 13th - CISD Board Workshop @ 5:30
At the Vonita White Boardroom

May 20th -  Field Day
Mark your calendars and make sure you have a CISD background check on file!

May 24th - Last Day of School
Spirit Rally @ 8:00 - Check-in at the front office
Early Release @ 12:30
Last Day to purchase Trailpass #2, #3, & #4 at a discounted price.

June 8th - Chipotle Spirit Night 4:00-8:00 p.m.

June 9th - Last day to purchase a Trailpass - supplies for next school year!

Terrific Texans

Congratulations to this week's winners!
Priya, Gustavo and Eliana (not pictured)

Field Day 2024

Field Day Volunteers Needed - Monday, May 20th

Volunteer Opportunities: We are looking for volunteers to help run games and activities for the different groups throughout the day. Please use the Sign-Up Genius to sign up for a time slot. As the event gets closer, PTO will reach out with your specific station and instructions.

Background Check to Fill Out ASAP

As a reminder, you MUST have a background check completed to volunteer for a station or walk with your class. You can complete it through the district website. If you have issues, PLEASE feel free to reach out to our front office staff.

TCE Field Day - A Note From Our Field Day Coordinators

We are so excited about our upcoming Field Day on Monday, May 20th! I’ve had a few parents ask about Field Day, so I wanted to address some FAQs!

What is Field Day?! It is a day for our learners to celebrate an awesome school year! They travel to different stations throughout the day including bounce houses, a water slide, sponge relay races, treats and MORE! One of the stations is walking to the Coppell City CORE (Coppell City’s Pool) to go swimming! The CORE will have lifeguards on hand and also has some life jackets available for swimmers. If your child is not a strong swimmer and requires a life jacket, please reach out to your homeroom teacher ASAP. It is imperative for you to talk to your student about swimming expectations. The CORE is great because there is not only a swimming pool but a splash pad and water playground so all our students, regardless of skill level, will have a great time!

What will your kiddo need to wear on Field Day, May 20th? Please have them wear a swimsuit (girls under their clothes and boys wear swimsuit bottoms) and their grade level t-shirt and flip flops/crocs or shoes that can get wet. We will have lots of WATER activities!

What do kids need to bring to field day? Please bring a LABELED water bottle as it will probably be warm! Students will also need a LABELED towel with their initials on it. Our amazing Room Parents that will be walking our classes from station to station will keep track of the towels and lunches.

What about lunch? Your child can either pack a LABELED sack lunch or purchase one from the cafeteria. We will eat picnic-style outside the school.

Anything else we need? Learners will be outside most of the day, so please apply sunscreen on your child before school and send additional if needed. We also ask that you send a dry change of clothes they can change into when they return to school.

We are excited for an amazing day for our learners to wrap out this year!

TCE Field Day Coordinators:

Amanda Nevels
(c) 214-808-4229

Emily Cantu
(c) 214-929-2782
Sack Summer Hunger

TCE Trailpass Now Available to Purchase

PTO has revamped the Town Center Trailpass packages this year. We encourage all of our families to purchase one of the options below. Pick the best one for your family, and order online at the PTO website.

*Please make note that the first option does not include a grade-level shirt. You can add-on one to your purchase or purchase a package that includes a shirt. If you have any questions, please reach out to our PTO President at


Below are a few links regarding lunches:

Breakfast & Lunch Menu

Free & Reduced Lunch Application

Check Your Lunch Application Status

Create Your Child's Online Lunch Account

Lunch Menus can be found here

TCE Principal Newsletter

Each week Ms. Martin sends out her Town Center Principal Newsletter. Please make sure to check out all the important campus-wide announcements in the Principal Newsletter. 

May 10th


ELA - We will review our year of learning by working on an End Of Year Choice Board.

Social Studies - It’s an exciting time in Social Studies as we begin our culminating project for historical figures using Minecraft. Learners will create an exhibit that showcases key objects from one of our figure’s lives. They will work through the timeline of the person’s life and record a tour of the exhibit they create.

Math - We are continuing to review all things 3rd grade math to cement our awesome knowledge from the year - our final math MAP test will be Monday, May 13.

Science - We will finish up our Minecraft Biome project and begin working on our End of Year Choice Board.

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