Monday, September 2, 2024

September 2nd-6th

 Upcoming Dates

September 2nd - No School

September 5th- Curriculum Night

Kinder-2nd 5:00-5:45; 3rd-5th 5:45-6:30

3rd grade will be in the Cafeteria

September 6th- Reading MAP

Please make sure iPads are updated and charged.

September 12th - TCE Sonic Spirit Night

5:00-8:00 p.m.

September 13th- Math MAP

Please make sure iPads are updated and charged.

September 16th-20th - Town Center Book Fair

September 20th - Special Friends' Day

More details to come!

September 27th - Fall Frolic Run

This will be during each grade level's specials time (3rd grade - 10:10 a.m.). Parents are invited to attend.

Terrific Texans

Throughout the week our learners at TCE work hard at going above and beyond! When any teacher catches them standing out in a positive way they are awarded a Terrific Texan. At the end of the week, there is a school-wide drawing and 3 winners are chosen from each grade level.
Congratulations to this weeks winners! 
Anna, Peter and Lane

Sonic Spirit Night

Coppell Cares

Coppell Cares offers the Weekend Backpack Program for families who have financial need. Each Friday, learners receive a bag of snacks for the weekend. The goal of the program is to help eliminate food insecurity for children. They provide nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack items to eligible CISD children (and siblings). This weekly food program helps feed children over the weekend during the school year when they are not receiving meals at school. 

If you would like your child(ren) to participate in this program, please complete the online application below.  If you would prefer a paper copy to be sent home with your child, please email TCE's counselor, Kelly Matlock, at  Families may sign up for this program at any time during the school year.  Deliveries will begin Friday, September 6th.  Deliveries will be suspended for Thanksgiving Week, Winter Break, and Spring Break.


Background Checks

We ask that all families complete a volunteer background check at the start of the year. They do not carry over from year to year. Since the background checks take time to process, we ask that everyone complete one in case any type of volunteering opportunity (class field trip, Dad's Club, Room parent, class volunteer, field day, etc.) arises during the year that you are interested in. Please click on the link below to complete it.

Background Checks - Linked Here

Tennis Shoes for PE & Extended Specials Day (CTT)

Please help ensure your child wears appropriate shoes on PE days and Move & Groove (Fridays). Additionally, every other Thursday 3rd grade has extended specials during CTT. The dates are outlined for the remainder of the year below. Thank you for your help in making sure your child is safely dressed for the gym! 

3rd Grade CTT Dates for 2024: 9/12, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/12

TCE Principal Newsletter

Each week Ms. Martin sends out her Town Center Principal Newsletter. Please make sure to check out all the important campus-wide announcements in the Principal Newsletter. 

August 23rd Newsletter!

ELA - In writing this week we will start the planning stages of our personal narrative.  We will begin with brainstorming our ideas and outlining what we want to focus on.  We will also get matched with a writing partner that will help with conferring during this writing process.  

As we read this week, we will continue to strengthen our reading comprehension skills. We will practice visualizing to enhance our thinking, and we will decipher what the author wants us to do with the text. We are still reading the Wild Robot as our class read aloud. I hope your kids are excited to read it as the movie premiere is just around the corner!

Social Studies - This week we continue with our community unit. We will locate places that help us meet the needs of the people and even fill in some of the wants we have as humans. We will also explore some specific places Coppell offers us as community members.

Math - We are taking our knowledge of the individual place values and applying it to be able to compare and order numbers to 120,000, and we’ll still focus on making numbers in different ways. Being able to decompose (break apart) numbers in different ways strengthens their number sense, and it will get us ready for subtraction with regrouping. “Regrouping” is the “new math” way to say “borrow”, but it means the same thing as it did when you guys were learning subtraction back in the 90s. Regrouping is not new for 3rd graders, but regrouping across multiple place values is a new skill; this is why we take time to get there by making sure kiddos feel confident in their understanding that, for example, 247 can be made with 2 hundreds blocks, 4 tens, and 7 ones OR it can be made with 24 tens blocks and 7 ones. And that’s just two ways to decompose this number - there’s so many more! Math is exciting, #amiright?! Let’s gooooo!

Science - This week we will explore different types of matter and how to classify them based on their properties and demonstrate that solids have a definite shape and that liquids and gases take the shape of their container. We will get dive into what the particles of solid, liquids, and gasses look like and act like.

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