Monday, January 20, 2025

January 20th-24th


January 20th - No School - MLK Day
January 24th - Middle of Year MAP testing - please make sure iPads are charged
January 27th - PTO Meeting @ 6:00 PM
January 28th - Cultural Night 5:30-7:00 PM  (More information in ParentSquare Linked Here)
February 13th - Class Valentine's Party @ 2:00 (more info to come)
February 14th - No School - Staff Work Day
February 17th - No School - Presidents' Day

Character Trait of the Week
Week of January 20th

Terrific Texans
Throughout the week our learners at TCE work hard at going above and beyond! When any teacher catches them standing out in a positive way they are awarded a Terrific Texan. 
Congratulations to our winners this week!

Sean, Cosette, and Leha

Previous week's winners

Lane, Ella and Shambhavi



Background Checks

We ask that all families complete a volunteer background check at the start of the year. They do not carry over from year to year. Since the background checks take time to process, we ask that everyone complete one in case any type of volunteering opportunity (class field trip, Dad's Club, Room parent, class volunteer, field day, etc.) arises during the year that you are interested in. Please click on the link below to complete it.

Background Checks - Linked Here

Tennis Shoes for PE & Extended Specials Day (CTT)

Please help ensure your child wears appropriate shoes on PE days and Move & Groove (Fridays). Additionally, every other Thursday 3rd grade has extended specials during CTT. The dates are outlined for the remainder of the year below. Thank you for your help in making sure your child is safely dressed for the gym! 

3rd Grade CTT Dates for 2025: 1/23, 2/6, 2/20, 3/6, 3/27, 4/10, 4/25, 5/8

TCE Principal Newsletter

Each week Ms. Martin sends out her Town Center Principal Newsletter. Please make sure to check out all the important campus-wide announcements in the Principal Newsletter. 

December 6th Newsletter!


In writing this week we will work on continuing to build our stamina through a free write.  We will also explore what an Extended Constructed Response will look like on the upcoming STAAR.  As a class, we will walk through how to identify one, what steps to take before beginning to write, and construct a response together.

During reading this week we will continue exploring fictional elements while sharing in our read aloud - Because of Winn Dixie. We will be working towards independence on identifying cause and effect that characters have on the plot as well as elements of plot and theme. We will also use the wonderful words of Kate DiCamillo to explore figurative vs literal language.

Social Studies - In social studies this week we will be in the beginning stages of our personal finance/economics unit. We will play the game of “Life” and learn about planning, spending, and saving.

Math - This week is all about quadrilaterals! These polygons have 4 sides, angles, and 4 vertices. Quadrilaterals are interesting (#thingsmathteacherssay) because they can be further classified depending on their specific attributes. No need to feel your high school geometry trauma all over again; this unit is all about new vocabulary, and your 3rd grader is crushing it. By the end of this week, your kiddo will be able to tell you how a square is not just a square - it’s also a special kind of rectangle, a parallelogram, a rhombus, and a quadrilateral. Usually, STAAR 2D geometry questions involve understanding how quadrilaterals can overlap, and we’ve got it covered! 
Our Current Geometry Vocab: attribute, polygon, angle, vertex, vertices, side, right angle, 90° angle, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, hendecagon, dodecagon

Science -In Science this week we will explore Earth’s Resources and how humans utilize them.  We will start by looking specifically at how they are used in construction and agriculture.

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