Upcoming Dates
April 19th - PTO Interskate Skate Night; 6:00-8:00
April 25th - Math STAAR test (3rd-5th grade)
No visitors allowed on campus
April 26th - Sun Run 🌞
April 26th - Field Trip money and permission slip due
May 1st - Author visit
May 2nd - Spring Family Picnic 6:00-7:30
May 7th - CISD Parent Budget Meeting - Zoom @ 6:00 p.m.
May 8th - 3rd Grade Field to Heard Museum
May 20th - Field Day
May 24th - Last Day of School & Early Release @ 12:30 p.m.
Terrific Texans
Congratulations to this week's winners!
Vihaan, Finley, Eleanore
Author Visit
ednesday, May 1st, author-illustrator James Burks will visit TCE. If you would like him to sign one of his books for you, please purchase a book from the retailer of your choice and deliver it to Mrs. Mancuso by Monday, April 29th.
Sack Summer Hunger
Field Trip
We are excited for our upcoming field trip to the Heard Museum in McKinney on Wednesday, May 8th. Detailed information and the permission slip came home Friday with your child. Please make sure to ask them about it! IMPORTANT: If you would like to chaperone OR are even considering it please make sure you have completed a background check for THIS school year (23-24). It is a requirement to complete this every school year in order to volunteer at the school and chaperone on field trips. If you are unsure as to if you have completed this for this school year, please reach out to your child's teacher.
If you still need to complete please click on the link and follow the steps:
Tennis Shoes for PE & Extended Specials Day (CTT)
Please help make sure that your child wears appropriate shoes on PE days and Move & Groove (Fridays). Additionally, every other Thursday 3rd grade has extended specials during CTT. The dates are outlined for the remainder of the year below. Thank you for your help in making sure your child is safely dressed for the gym!
We have noticed that more and more of our students have begun wearing smartwatches to school, so we want to take a minute to be clear about expectations for those devices. Students are not permitted to communicate on their personal devices during the school day. (The same rule applies to their iPads.) This includes parents. Additionally, smartwatches are only to be used to tell time during the day. Please help us in reinforcing this expectation. If you need to contact your son/daughter during the day, please email your child's teacher or call the front office. We have talked about these expectations with the students. We've let them know that if they are using their smart watch, cell phone, or other personal devices to communicate (or use any additional feature beyond telling time), they will receive one warning. After that one warning, we will ask for those devices to stay at home.
ELA - We will be comparing contrasting different types of folktales.
Social Studies - We are continuing our deep dive into historical figure research.
Math - Math STAAR is Thursday! It is their day to shine! Please don’t worry about writing the STAAR letter for your child for the math test like you did for the reading test; we have a little something different planned. They are ready to show their work and try their best!
Science - Next week we will continue to explore life cycles of plants and animals…The circle of life! Also, Earth Day is on Monday! We will discuss the importance of taking care of Earth and explore ways in which we can all do our part.