Upcoming Dates
Headphones and Charged iPadsNow that we are in the swing of things we are using our iPads daily. Please help remind your child to charge their iPad each night. Also, we are using our headphones daily as well. Many of the kiddos are in need of a set that they can keep at school. We have already been through quite a few sets of the earbuds. :)
Thanksgiving Baskets
Every year St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Coppell provides Thanksgiving baskets with supplies to cook a turkey a dinner to those in need. If you could benefit from this assistance, please click on the link below and fill out the Google form as accurately as possible. By completing this form you understand this information will be shared with St. Ann’s Catholic Church for distribution of your basket. Please fill out this form no later than October 25th, 2021. Thank you!
Next week, we will use the standard algorithm to multiply 2 digit by 1 digit numbers. This is where they write the 2 digit number on top of the 1 digit number (place values lined up, of course) and just multiply. The rhyme for this is bottom, top, bottom, side, THAT IS HOW WE MULTIPLY. We will also start learning about division.
Next week, we will use the standard algorithm to multiply 2 digit by 1 digit numbers. This is where they write the 2 digit number on top of the 1 digit number (place values lined up, of course) and just multiply. The rhyme for this is bottom, top, bottom, side, THAT IS HOW WE MULTIPLY. We will also start learning about division.